Is Kale Safe for Horses? Unraveling the Truth about Equine Diets

You may have heard conflicting opinions about feeding kale to your horses, and as a responsible equine owner, it’s crucial to understand the facts. Just like the long-awaited EVs hitting the US market, the safety of kale as a part ...
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Peppermints and Ponies – Can Horses Really Enjoy These Sweet Treats Safely?

It’s a common sight at riding stables and horse shows: riders offering peppermints to their equine companions as a tasty treat. But can horses really enjoy these sweet treats safely? While peppermints may seem harmless, it’s important for horse owners ...
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Plums for Horses – A Delicious Treat or a Health Hazard?

It is common knowledge that horses enjoy a varied diet, but when it comes to offering them fruits like plums, questions about their safety and benefits arise. As equine enthusiasts, it’s crucial to understand the implications of feeding plums to ...
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Popcorn for Horses – Quirky Snack or Potential Risk?

You may have heard of horses enjoying a handful of popcorn as a treat, but is this quirky snack choice really safe for our equine friends? As responsible horse owners, it’s vital to consider the potential risks associated with feeding ...
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Radishes for Horses – Nutritious Snack or Dietary No-No?

Horses, majestic creatures that they are, have specific dietary needs that must be carefully considered by their caretakers. With respect to feeding these animals, the question of whether radishes can be included in their diet often arises. Radishes may seem ...
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Raisins for Horses – Tasty Treat or Dangerous Delicacy?

You may have heard conflicting opinions when it comes to feeding raisins to horses. Are they a tasty treat that horses enjoy, or a potentially dangerous delicacy that should be avoided at all costs? In this blog post, we will ...
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Squash and Horses – Exploring the Benefits and Risks

It’s intriguing how the worlds of squash and horses intersect, offering unique opportunities and challenges for enthusiasts of both sports. Squash, a fast-paced indoor game, and horseriding, a traditional outdoor activity, might seem worlds apart, but they share common ground ...
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Sunflower Seeds for Horses – Healthy Snack or Harmful?

In the context of equine nutrition, sunflower seeds are often a topic of debate among horse owners. These tiny seeds are packed with nutrients and can be a delicious treat for our equine companions. However, there are concerns about the ...
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The Surprising Question – Do Horses Ever Eat Chickens?

Just when you think you have a basic understanding of animal behavior, a seemingly bizarre question like this pops up. Horses, known for their herbivorous diets, grazing peacefully in pastures, may not strike you as the type to indulge in ...
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Lettuce for Horses – A Safe Green or a Risky Choice?

Equine nutrition is of paramount importance when it comes to maintaining the health and wellbeing of our beloved horses. Among the myriad of food options available, one question that often arises is whether lettuce can be a safe and nutritious ...
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